Pop, Politics, Punk in the Colección MAM

Pop, Politics, Punk in the Colección MAM
Photo by vitalina

The “Pop, Politics, Punk: Colección MAM” exhibition has arisen from the collaborative efforts of the curatorial team, composed of Lucía Peñalosa, Katnira Bello, Carlos Segoviano, and Brenda J. Caro Cocotle.

The clash of attitudes in 20th-Century ideals through the visionary lens of the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City.
Photo by Markus Spiske

Their discernment identified, within the latter half of the 20th century, three distinctive attitudes characterized by diverse stylistic resources, aesthetic propositions, conceptual ideas, or forms that scrutinized the ideals of modern utopia. Brenda Caro expounded upon this phenomenon in an interview with Cobjerno de Mexico.

The manifestation of Pop art within the exhibition mirrors the evolving reality post-World War II, during which the ideals of states and free-market economies faced interrogation. From a political standpoint, the exhibition critically examines whether art possesses an inherent political nature and whether it carries a societal responsibility within its operational context. Lastly, the Punk movement, both cultural and musical, actively resisted the fractured societal paradigm, openly challenging the prevailing state of affairs.

The Museum of Modern Art’s (MAM) collection encompasses over three thousand artworks, subject to ongoing scrutiny. “Pop, Politics, Punk” stands as an integral component of the Museo de Arte Moderno’s collection and will remain on display until January 14, 2024, in Sala D, showcasing 150 artworks, 148 of which are integral to MAM’s collection.

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